Attack surface management solutions

Reduce your attack surface with continuous proactive management

Is your attack surface reduction strategy still on target?

As IT environments grow more complex and interconnected, the attack surface of organizations expands accordingly. This increase in exposure points provides hackers and cybercriminals with ever more opportunities to evade corporate defenses. To effectively counteract these evolving threats, it is essential for organizations to continuously monitor their environments. This includes scanning for security vulnerabilities, tracking unknown assets and securing potential access points that could be exploited by malicious actors.

RSM’s security professionals diligently monitor your digital environment. Our team is dedicated to designing, implementing and enhancing your attack surface reduction (ASR) strategies. We identify and manage your asset inventories, conduct thorough offensive network testing to uncover exposures and systematically prioritize and remediate identified vulnerabilities. By identifying and addressing these vulnerabilities proactively, we significantly reduce your attack surface, thereby protecting your organization’s most vital assets from potential cyber threats.

Red teaming: Red teams conduct a simulated cyberattack involving real, safe and controlled attack scenarios to test your organization’s security. Red teaming takes this further by employing a broader scope of attack scenarios to test an organization’s detection and response capabilities.

Blue teaming: The defensive side of a simulated cyberattack, blue teams work to deter attacks and test your organization’s capabilities with your team actively defending against attacks simulated by the red team.

Purple teaming: Combining red and blue team security testing, this approach has both the “attackers” and “defenders” working collaboratively to test your environment.

Reduce your attack surface effectively with RSM

Offensive security services, including penetration testing, red teaming and blue teaming, play a vital role in identifying and mitigating potential security threats. These services provide a realistic assessment of an organization’s readiness to handle real-world cyber threats, revealing practical insights into how security measures perform under attack and where improvements are needed.

With extensive experience across a variety of industries, our offensive security professionals leverage automation and machine learning capabilities to protect your IT environment in real-time. And our cybersecurity team is proficient in red teaming and purple teaming, two best practices that evaluate your programs’ detection and response capabilities, so you are better prepared for a breach.

Going beyond vulnerabilities, our asset management team can develop, classify and manage your IT asset inventories continuously to bolster your ASR strategies. Regardless of where you are in your cybersecurity journey, you can benefit from professionals with a proven track record of keeping organizations secure throughout every stage of digital transformation.

Attack surface management solutions from RSM

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