Digital assets auditing: Challenges for auditors to address

4 key areas digital asset auditors need to overcome

May 08, 2023

Todd Briggs, RSM partner and national digital asset audit leader, outlines four key challenges for digital asset auditors. From developing an annual digital assets audit playbook that interprets guidance and withstands professional judgement, to finding the right expertise to help navigate this unique space, digital asset auditors must address numerous challenges in agreement with management. 

RSM contributors

  • Todd Briggs

Driving a sustainable digital assets strategy

The digital assets space looks vastly different today than it did just a few years ago. Digitally native companies that hold custody of digital assets or have platforms for the trading of such assets—whether cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ethereum, non-fungible tokens, stablecoins, or security tokens—need to be able to adapt their vision and strategy as the landscape changes.

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