Session 1: Canadian mergers and acquisitions tax
Dealmakers in Canada are contending with economic headwinds and reduced deal activity in some sectors, as well as legislation with significant tax implications for buyers and sellers. Learn how this combination of uncertainty and change requires a comprehensive M&A strategy that includes understanding how your tax function can help you tackle costs and realize value.
Session 2: International tax developments for Canadian businesses
Budget 2022 includes several proposed amendments that have complex tax implications for Canadian multinationals. Rules governing the tax treatment of foreign accrual property income (FAPI), surplus repatriation, and excessive interest and financing expenses limitations (EIFEL) would increase the tax cost and compliance burden for many organizations. Learn more about how this could affect your organization.
Session 3: Indirect tax–hot topics and recent updates
Canadian indirect tax issues include audit pitfalls and potential tax recovery opportunities. Learn how your businesses may navigate numerous indirect tax complexities, including new issues affecting digital platform operators, potential audit issues relating to applying specific Incoterms and real property contractor issues. Also, learn about tax recovery opportunities likely to improve cash flow.
Session 4: Scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED) tax incentives and input tax credit developments: Trends and observations
The Canadian government offers tax credits and incentives to encourage companies to innovate within its borders, advance various policy objectives and attract media organizations to do business in Canada. Learn about SR&ED tax credit basics, modern SR&ED eligibility criteria compared to the five-question policy that preceded it, and common misconceptions about qualification for the SR&ED program.