
How manufacturers can compete for talent in a tech centric world

Companies need to embrace digital tools, understand demographic shifts in the workforce and develop intentional succession planning.

July 15, 2021

As evolving technology continues to shape manufacturing’s future, manufacturers will increasingly need to compete with innovative companies across a range of sectors for talent. In order to do so, businesses need to build forward-looking leadership teams that understand the desires of the rising workforce and what those future employees prioritize.

Advanced technologies should be firmly at the center of this effort, whether that means using virtual reality capabilities to provide workers with more innovative training and upskilling, exploring new ways to accommodate remote employees, or incorporating knowledge of new digital tools into the purview of senior leadership.

Technology can be an important tool in developing clear succession plans.

Along with embracing the way technology is reshaping the sector from the C-suite all the way to the shop floor, manufacturers that understand the growing importance of fostering a values-driven organization and company culture will fare better in the competition for talent not just among manufacturers but across the broader economy.

Download the full article—written by RSM professionals and originally published in the Manufacturing Leadership Journal—to read about how companies should rethink the employee value proposition, navigate demographic shifts in the workforce and drive intentional succession planning.

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